poner a punto tu piscina

As long as summer time approaches, days are get longer and hotter, thus increasing the desire to take a good dip in the pool. We explain you everything you need to know to carry out the start-up your pool and to ensure its correct operation throughout the season.

We are gonna give you some tips you can follow in case you have winterize your pool during the cooler months, when the pool has not been in use as frequently. Take a note of the steps you have to follow to setting-up your pool.

1- Water level.

Si observas que el agua ha descendido, tendrás que llenar tu piscina hasta el nivel apropiado. Si el nivel es excesivo, no pasa nada, nos será útil para las tareas de limpieza y puesta a punto de la piscina.

2- Eliminar impurezas

If you have dirt at the bottom of the swimming pool is sufficient to eliminated with a manuals sweeper. In the case you have a great deal of turbidity as well as suspended solids, you must use the flocculant.floculante SERFLOC, te recomendamos utilizar un floculante líquido.

3- Adjust the PH of the water

Is very importat for setting-up your pool adjust the PH of your water, recommended pH values are between 7,2 and 7,6. If not, you have to regulate the water using el ph increaser SERMAS PH o un pH Decreaser SERMINUS PH, según las necesidades del agua. No debes saltarte este paso, un pH fuera de los parámetros recomendados puede provocar irritaciones de los ojos y problemas en la piel.

4- Water desinfection

Tienes que realizar una cloración para conseguir los niveles de cloro adecuados, lo mejor es utilizar un chlorine con acción de choque SERCLOR PS ACTION para desinfectar el agua. Es necesario que sea un tipo de cloro más fuerte del habitual y de acción rápida.

5- Clarificar el agua

If after chlorine you still don't observe the crystalline water and you see some turbidity, you should dose a dose of flocculant.floculante SERFLOC, te recomendamos utilizar un floculante líquido. Así, conseguirás poner a punto tu piscina y tener el agua totalmente cristalina.

Remember that… It's not just that the water seems clean, but that it is clean and adapted to our needs.

For any questions about how to treat your pool and which products you should use, get in touch with our experts. AQUÍ

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